A new home on a 5-acre land in Similk Bay, designed for a young, fast-paced professional.
First a thorough site study is completed to situate the house to maximize stunning views of Puget Sound. Program elements of the home, are distributed along a main spine (corridor). Rooms are separated by small gardens adorned with natural elements like rocks, water and fire. Private spaces are separated from Public via a large yellow pivot door, that appears like a wall, in closed position. A mix of wildflowers planted throughout the property to soothe the senses.
As a final step, a careful future design study is completed, to anticipate for a seamless potential expansion, with additional bedrooms, bathrooms and gardens.
A virgin land, requires various environmental studies. In addition, a study of storm patterns is completed to guide tree elimination / retention plan. An on-site septic system is hidden into the landscape.